Gaand Masti also referred to as Mastiis a Bollywood adult comedy film directed by Indra Kumar and produced by Ashok Thakeria. The film is a sequel to the 2004 film Masti, and the second installment of Masti film series. It features Riteish Deshmukh, Vivek Oberoi and Aftab Shivdasani reprising their roles from the original, yet the film does not continue and is a new installment. The film also starred Bruna Abdullah, Karishma Tanna, Sonalee Kulkarni, Kainaat Arora, Maryam Zakaria and Manjari Fadnis. Grand Masti released onSeptember 2013. The film received largely negative responses from critics, but was received well at the box office. Grand Masti is the highest grossing Bollywood film with an A Adults Only certificate in India, subsequently entering Bollywoods 100 crore club in India. The film was declared a Super Hit in India by Box Office India.
One day, the men receive an invite from their college, SLUTS Sri Lalchand University of Technology and Science, to attend their college reunion. Their wives dont come with them, so the three decide to have Grand Masti there to escape their boredom.When they arrive, they see the women fully clothed and the men too afraid to express their love for them. This all due to the fear of Principal Robert Pradeep Rawat, who hangs people naked on a tree if they disagree with his rules. They find out that their former student, Hardik Suresh Menon, is in a mental asylum because of the principal. Meanwhile, Prem meets one of his former teachers, Rose Maryam Zakaria, and is attracted to her. Meet meets Marlow Kainaat Arora and is attracted to her. Amar meets Mary Bruna Abdullah and is attracted to her. The men then goes to the womens place to have sex with them. But just when they were about to do it, they find out that Rose, Mary and Marlow are relatives of the principal. The principal chases them down thinking they had sex, but they get away as their wives come to spend time with them. ........
Source: Wikipedia