Green Porno

Green Porno is a series of short films on animal sexual behaviour. The series, which began in 2008 and aired on The Sundance Channel, is conceived, written, and directed by its star, Isabella Rossellini.

According to Rossellini, the idea for Green Porno stemmed from her relationships with both Robert Redford and his Sundance Channel. Rossellini had previously worked with Sundance on a previous short film My Dad Is 100 Years Old. Redford believed that the internet and the burgeoning mobile internet, allowed for the relaunch of the short film format.The Sundance Channel set aside an experimental budget and proposed that Rossellinis project should fall into the purview of the Sundances program The Green. Rossellinis love of animals and desire to balance out the current projects focusing on home and food with the animals that surround us every day yet have an incredible variety of mating, which is very scandalous. ........

Source: Wikipedia