Guni Guni

GuniGuni is a 2012 Filipino horror film under Regal Entertainment. It stars Lovi Poe and Benjamin Alves. The film is directed by Tara Illenberger.

One day Mylene asked to perform an abortion for fee, she feels conflicted about doing what is right and, at the same time, being in dire need of tuition fee. Her decision ultimately leads to a dark outcome and awakens a force that has laid quiet for years in the boardinghouse grounds. Thereafter, she becomes tormented by nightmares of a dark twin, whose presence gets stronger as days pass, as strange things start to happen in the house. When one by one, the boarders die of unexplainable causes, Joanna Empress Shuck the resident psychic and Mylenes best friend struggles to understand the impending danger that she senses and decides to get to the bottom of the mystery and as it unravels, they find themselves confronted by an angry soul that seeks justice.The film was first announced by Regal Entertainment in March 30, 2012 along withother films they are going to release this year. Originally, the lead role was offered to Jennylyn Mercado but she turned down the role due to her busy schedule, making another Regal Film and a drama series under GMA Network. Roselle Monteverde, President of Regal Entertainment confirmed on Maythat the role was already given to actress, Lovi Poe. The new GMA 7s contract artist Benjamin Alves signed for the lead man role making the film his first lead role in a movie outfit. The film began shooting in May 28, 2012. ........

Source: Wikipedia