Haane Manahi

Haane Te Rauawa Manahi DCM was a New Zealand soldier of Te Arawa and Ngti Raukawa descent who served in the Second World War as a member of the Mori Battalion.

Haane Te Rauawa Manahi, the youngest son of a farm labourer, was born onSeptember 1913 in Ohinemutu, a village on the shores of Lake Rotorua in the North Island of New Zealand. Of Te Arawa and Ngti Raukawa descent , he attended local schools in the area up to secondary school level. After leaving school, he worked in road construction and undertook farm work. He also spent time in the timber and building industries alongside his uncle, Matiu, who had served in the first contingent of New Zealand Mori to be raised for military duty during the First World War.

Source: Wikipedia