Hamlet Isakhanli

Hamlet Abdulla oglu Isayev is an Azerbaijani mathematician, poet, science and social science writer, living founder of Khazar University who served as founding president from April 1991 to September 2010. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, Khazar University founder of integrated primary, secondary and high schools and founder of a publishing house as well as a translator of poetry, lecturer, and editor.

Hamlet Isakhanlis wife, Naila Isayeva , was born in Quba, Azerbaijan. She graduated from the Institute of Russian Language and Literature in Baku. She has also received music education. She composes songs. She was the head of Khazar Ladies Club, then, until September 2010, the Director of Dunya School affiliated with Khazar University . At present she is the Advisor to the Board of Directors and Trustees in Humanitarian Affairs, Khazar University.

Source: Wikipedia