Hanover Street (film)

Hanover Street is a 1979 AngloAmerican wartime romantic film, written and directed by Peter Hyams and starring Harrison Ford, LesleyAnne Down and Christopher Plummer.

The following day, Hallorans squadron is sent to bomb Rouen. The planes starboard engine is hit, but the fire is put out. Cimino Richard Masur, the bombardier, begs Halloran to let him drop the bombs early and turn back, but Halloran does not care about the danger and orders him to wait until they are over the target, prompting him to angrily exclaim that he hates Halloran.They meet again two weeks later in a secret assignation on Hanover Street. Although she is married, Sellinger and Halloran rapidly fall in love. She tries to resist, but is drawn to the charismatic American. By contrast her husband Paul Sellinger Christopher Plummer is, by his own description, suave, pleasant, but fairly dull. A former teacher, he is now a trusted member of British intelligence. ........

Source: Wikipedia