Harry Nelson Atwood was an American pioneer aviator, engineer and inventor.
Atwood was born on November 15, 1883. He trained at the Wright Flying School at Huffman Prairie, near Dayton, Ohio, with fellow students Thomas D. Milling, Calbraith Perry Rodgers and Henry H. Arnold. Within three months of his first lesson he flew a recordbreaking 576 miles from Boston to Washington, DC, and on July 14, 1911, landed on the White House lawn. A prize of 10,000 was offered to Atwood to fly between Chicago and Milwaukee on August 10. Between August 14, 1911 and August 25, 1911 he flew 1,256 miles from St. Louis to New York, makingstops and spendinghoursminutes in the air. Atwood funded his flying activities with the sale of two different electric meter designs to General Electric.
Source: Wikipedia