Has Anybody Seen My Gal%3F (film)

Has Anybody Seen My Gal? 1952 film comedy film directed by Douglas Sirk, and starring Piper Laurie, Rock Hudson, Charles Coburn, and Gigi Perreau. Set in the 1920s, the film is named after The California Ramblers jazz tune Has Anybody Seen My Gal?.

The family is initially reluctant to take in Samuel, but Roberta, the youngest daughter, Gigi Perreau wastes no time and makes him feel as welcome as possible. He notices that the Blaisdells are a happy family who, although poor, are proud of their background. Father Charles Larry Gates has taught the family not to put a value on materialistic products. Nevertheless, mother Harriet Lynn Bari wishes for her daughter Millicent Piper Laurie to marry Carl Pennock Skip Homeier, a wealthy but snobbish young man who could buy Millicent everything that Harriet never had. Millicent, however, is not keen on Carl and prefers to marry Dan Stebbins Rock Hudson, a charming but poor soda jerk. While staying at the Blaisdells, John is given a job at Dans store as soda jerk.One night, Millie and Dan announce their engagement, which upsets Harriet. Shortly after, Norton arrives, announcing the family has inherited 100,000 from an unknown man. When realizing Norton is not joking, the family especially Harriet immediately gives up their humble life for the upperclass life style. Charles is not enthusiastic of his wifes sudden craze of materialism, but allows her to buy whatever she wants. The oldest son Howard William Reynolds actor immediately starts gambling a large amount of money and lands a debt, which prompts Samuel to help him. Meanwhile, Dan, feeling he could never live up to Millies expectations, breaks off their engagement. Afterwards, Millie reluctantly starts dating Carl again, much under the pressure of her mother. ........

Source: Wikipedia