Heroine IPAhron is a 2012 Indian drama film directed, written, and coproduced by Madhur Bhandarkar. Revolving around the life of a once successful film actress whose career is on the decline, the film features Kareena Kapoor as the protagonist along with actors Arjun Rampal, Randeep Hooda and Rakesh Bapat. Additionally, the project also stars Shahana Goswami, Divya Dutta, Helen, Shillpi Sharma, Mugdha Godse and Lillete Dubey in supporting roles. Heroine released onSeptember 2012 across 2000 screens.
Following the completion of his film, Jail 2009, Bhandarkar began toying with the idea of making a project on the film industry. Along with writer Niranjan Iyengar, the director began developing the story about the life of an actress and later approached UTV Motion Pictures with whom he had worked on several occasions. Bhandarkar, who was keen on using the title Heroine for his film, donated 100000 US1,500 to Guddu Dhanoas charity. He later explained that he had been subconsciously preparing for the movie ever since he joined the industry.Preproduction work on the film was expected to commence during the summer of 2010 but was put on hold due to Kapoor being busy with other commitments. During this period, Bhandarkar announced that he would be making another project while putting Heroine on hold. Though speculated to be based on the lives of yesteryear divas like Madhubala and Marilyn Monroe, Bhandarkar denied the reports saying that the movie is a contemporary film which reveals the underbelly of the movie industry and its wellkept secrets. In an attempt to prepare his protagonist for the film, the director prepared a threehour documentary on Hollywood actresses Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Ava Gardner and Vivien Leigh. Designer Manish Malhotra was signed on to design the costumes. Choreography of the movie was done by Remo DSouza Ganesh Acharya and Jasmin Oza. ........
Source: Wikipedia