Hit the Road

Hit the Road 1941 is a crime comedy film featuring the Dead End Kids.

Miss Crookshank explains the boys predicament, however, and Valentine agrees to take them in under his wings. One of the younger members of the gang, Pesky, is also taken in by the exgangster. The wouldbe mobsters in reformatory are quite disappointed when they are sent away to the horsebreeding farm in the country instead of out into the city streets. When the boys are transported out to the farm, a gangster named Spike the Butcher Edward Pawley, who had killed Valentines men ten years earlier, follows Valentine to his farm in hopes of finishing the job and kill Valentine too. Spike brings his two henchmen, Creeper John Harmon and Dingbat Shemp Howard, to ambush ValentineRyan in his new home. Unfortunately for Spike, district attorney Paul Revere Smith Charles Lang, who is Pats boyfriend, arrives at the farm at the same time. Later that day the delinquent boys try to steal Valentines station wagon. Fortunately, the car has a flat tire and an old hunting dog gets in the way of the car, spoiling the boys plan to escape.Inspired by Pauls father, Colonel Smith Walter Kingsford, Valentine raises 50,000 in an effort to build a trade school and give the boys something to do with themselves. Pretending to visit a dentist, Tom goes into the nearby town, where he hopes to plan the gangs escape. It doesnt take long for him to run into Creeper and Dingbat, who take the young man to see Spike. Tom reveals to the gangster about the money raised for the trade school, and Spike suspects it is in fact a charity racket. When talking to the hardened gangster, Tom suddenly realizes that he is talking to his fathers killer. Shaken, Tom goes back to his gang, and they plan to protect the charity money from Spike. Pesky finds them scheming and suspects that the gang will attempt to steal Pats car. Pesky holds the teenagers at gunpoint until they explain what they are really doing. ........

Source: Wikipedia