Hotel Deluxe is a 2013 Hong Kong comedy film released in commemoration with the Lunar New Year of 2013. The film was directed by Vincent Kok, his thirteenth as a director, and written by him along with Chan Mou Yin Anselm credited as Anselm Chan, Steven Fung, and Poon Jun Lam. Produced by Raymond Wong, Hotel Deluxe features many of the recurring cast from his Alls Well, Ends Well film series.
Andrew Chan of the Film Critics Circle of Australia writes, Hotel Deluxe is really light weight lunar new year entertainment that manages to be decent due to the calibre its experienced cast and crew. South China Morning Posts Yvonne Teh similarly praised the ensemble cast and their obvious willingness to do whatever is necessary to get their audience smiling, laughing and in good spirits. In a negative review for, Gabriel Chong criticizes the film as bland and uninspired, particularly blaming the cast for either appearing too uninterested or overacting.
Source: Wikipedia