I Love You Phillip Morris is a 2009 black comedy drama film based on the 1980s and 90s reallife story of con artist, impostor, and multiple prison escapee Steven Jay Russell, as played by Jim Carrey. While incarcerated, Russell falls in love with his fellow inmate, Phillip Morris Ewan McGregor. After Morris is released from prison, Russell escapes from prison four times in order to be reunited with Morris. The film was adapted from I Love You Phillip Morris A True Story of Life, Love, and Prison Breaks by Steve McVicker. The film is the directorial debut of Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. It grossed a little overmillion worldwide after its limited theatrical release.
After a car crash, Steven leaves his family and previous life behind though he keeps in touch with his wife and young daughter, and explores the world as his true self a gay man. He moves to Miami, finds a boyfriend Rodrigo Santoro, and lives a luxurious lifestyle. To keep himself and his boyfriend in the style to which they have become accustomed, Steven becomes a con man. Steven is pursued by the police, and after narrowly surviving falling off a parking garage, has a reunion with his lover, who at the time is dying of AIDS, and is sent to prison, where he falls in love with inmate Phillip Morris Ewan McGregor.Steven cannot bear to be separated from Phillip. After being released, he helps get Phillip freed from prison by posing as a lawyer, then attains wealth by fraudulently acquiring a position as chief financial officer of a large medical management company called USAMM. ........
Source: Wikipedia