I nuovi mostri

I nuovi mostri Englishlanguage version Viva lItalia meaning of Italian original title The new monsters is a 1977 commedia allitaliana film composed byepisodes, directed by Dino Risi, Ettore Scola and Mario Monicelli. It is a sequel of I mostri, made in 1963. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 51st Academy Awards.

A bishop Vittorio Gassman arrives in a small church in the suburbs of Rome, where young people have gathered together a group of angry peasants. A young priest is the head of the protest the theme is the corruption of the Church. The bishop goes into the church and is immediately opposed by Protestants but he by his eloquence slowly manages to deceive the weak minds of the Protestants, who make peace with Christ and the Church in general. The young priest, aware of not being able to modernize the thought of those people to Christ, curses Italians and goes away. The bishop, looking at him, smiles victorious.A traveler drives up in his car a beautiful girl Ornella Muti who is doing hitchhiking. While trying to woo her, the man reads the newspaper, and analyzes the news of a group of girls who escaped from the reformatory attacking a bank. The man thinks that the female traveler on board may be one of the escaped the girl threatens him. But she has no intention of threatening the man because she is a criminal, but because the man has shamelessly courted her for the whole trip. The girl brings down the man from the car, pretending to want to run away, but the man reacts to error and kills her. ........

Source: Wikipedia