Ignasi Guardans i Camb is a Spanish former politician, currently an independent figure still present in the Spanish media and public opinion. He started his professional career in the academic and legal research at the University of Navarra, specialising in Private International Law. In 1992 he moved back to Barcelona and started teaching at its then main Law School . A few years later he joined a law firm as senior associate lawyer, and for some years he mixed his legal practice with the first steps in a political career. In 1995 he was elected to the Catalan Parliament. But after a few months, in March 2004 he run as candidate for the Spanish Parliament, or Congreso delos Diputados, where he would seat for two consecutive terms, 19962000 and 2002004. He assumed different responsibilities, mostly in the areas of Foreign Affairs, Culture, and Justice amp Legal Affairs. During the same period he joined the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and its Committee for Legal Affa
Source: Wikipedia