In the Name of Love is a 2011 Filipino romantic drama film directed by Olivia Lamasan and starring Aga Muhlach, Angel Locsin, and Jake Cuenca. The film is a part of the special presentation for Star Cinemas 18th year anniversary. The film premiered on May 11, 2011. It is produced and released by Star Cinema.
It will be at this ball where the engagement of the governors son, Dylan Evelino Jake Cuenca, and Cedes Fernandez Angel Locsin will be announced. Despite her hatred for the dirty politics, Cedes has no choice but to succumb to the decision of Dylan out of her indebtedness towards the family.Emman is drawn towards Cedes from the first time she catches his eye. As their lives intertwine through dance, Emman and Cedes find themselves resisting an affair one that holds the truths to their painful pasts, and the memories of a boundless love. Pursuing their feelings for each other will only set fire to the dangers and trappings of their love, so much so that their love could cost them their lives. Can the strength of their love overcome the powers of the dangers surrounding them? ........
Source: Wikipedia