In the Time of the Butterflies is a 2001 feature film, produced for the Showtime television network, directed by Mariano Barroso based on the Julia lvarez book of the same name. The story is a fictionalized account of the lives of the Mirabal sisters, Dominican revolutionary activists, who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo and were assassinated on November 25th, 1960.
The scene shifts to inside of a prison cell where one of his victims, Minerva Mirabal Salma Hayek, recounts the events of the story.Minerva and her three sisters Patria Lumi Cavazos, Dede Pilar Padilla, and Mara Teresa Mate Ma Maestro, live on a farm in rural Ojo De Agua. Minerva, the outspoken sister, convinces her father Enrique Mirabel Fernando Becerril, to send her, Patria and Mate away to attend school. The sisters spend five years away at school, during which time Minerva captures the attention of el Jefe Trujillo the boss Edward James Olmos, who notices Minerva at a school play. ........
Source: Wikipedia