Into Eternity is a feature documentary film directed by Danish director Michael Madsen, released in 2010. It follows the construction of the Onkalo waste repository at the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant on the island of Olkiluoto, Finland. Director Michael Madsen questions Onkalos intended eternal existence, addressing an audience in the remote future.
Into Eternity is a documentary about a deep geological repository for nuclear waste. The concept of longterm underground storage for radioactive waste has been explored since the 1950s. The inner part of the Russian dolllike storage canisters is to be composed of copper. Hence in the case of Onkalo it is tightly linked to experiments on copper corrosion in running groundwater flow.Application for the implementation of spent nuclear fuel repository was submitted by Posiva in 2001. The excavation itself started in 2004. With a total of four operable reactors providingof the countrys energy supply, Finland ranks 16th in the world nuclear power reactors country list topped by the United States 104 reactors and France 58 reactors.citation needed ........
Source: Wikipedia