Itsy Bitsy Spider is a 1992 American animated science fantasycomedy short film directed by Matthew OCallaghan and written by Michael ODonoghue, loosely based on the homonymous rhyme and released with the movie Bbs Kids. It features Frank Welker as the title character and Langston the cat, and Jim Carrey as the Exterminator. In the film, there is a happygolucky city girl called Leslie who has a spider friend named Itsy. It was rated PG by the MPAA for scifi cartoon violence.
A country spider is the friend of a young girl named Leslie McGroarty Thora Birch, who takes piano lessons from a very strict instructor Andrea Martin incidentally, she is learning to play the actual rhyme and her cat, Langston. When the instructor is frightened by Itsy, she calls an Exterminator, that uses more and more extreme measures to try to kill Itsy, most of which end up causing pain and destruction to the instructors home, Langston and the Exterminator himself, which turns out to be a heavily armed android Jim Carrey. The Exterminators methods begin to get even more extreme, escalating from poison and vacuums to guns and explosives, until the instructors house is eventually blown up. Itsy is reunited with Leslie who had the sense to leave the house before the flamethrowers came out, and they go home to the city.
Source: Wikipedia