Jack Said is a 2009 British thriller film, the prequel to Jack Says. It is written by Paul Tanter, and based on his graphic novel, illustrated by Oscar Alvarado. It stars Danny Dyer, David OHara, Simon Phillips, Ashlie Walker, Terry Stone and snooker player Jimmy White.
Jack Said was released in the UK theatrically at the Apollo, Piccadilly Circus for a week fromSeptember 2009, followed by a nationwide DVD and Bluray release onOctober.The film has received mixed ratings from various review sites, including a one star rating from The Guardian, which called it an overcooked, overheated Brit gangster thriller. Time Out also gave the film a one star rating, noting that the film had an overcomplicated flashbackflashforward structure and TV soap operastyle acting. The Observer called it halfbaked and Little White Lies criticized its absent direction and called it cackhanded and nonsensical, while finding Dyer always watchable and Walker both ridiculously over the top and hypnotically enthralling. ........
Source: Wikipedia