James, Viscount Severn

James, Viscount Severn , is the younger child and only son of the Earl and Countess of Wessex, and the youngest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh. At birth, he was eighth in line to succeed his grandmother, he is currently tenth.

Lord Severn was born by caesarean section at 1620 UTC onDecember 2007, at Frimley Park Hospital. Prince Edward, who was present for the birth of his second child, remarked that the birth was a lot calmer than last time , that his wife was doing very well, and that his son was like most babies, rather small, very cute and very cuddly. The baby and his mother were released from hospital onDecember, and the following day his names were announced as James Alexander Philip Theo. His sister, Lady Louise Windsor, is four years his senior. The siblings live with their parents at Bagshot Park in Surrey.

Source: Wikipedia