Javiera Carrera

Francisca Xaviera Eudoxia Rudecinda Carmen de los Dolores de la Carrera y Verdugo , better known as Javiera Carrera, was a member of one of the most aristocratic Chilean families, the Carrera family of Basque origin, who actively participated in the Chilean War of Independence. Together with her brothers Jos Miguel, Juan Jos and Luis, they were some of most important leaders of the early Chilean struggle for independence during the period known as the Patria Vieja . She is credited with having sewn the first national flag of Chile and is considered to be the Mother of Chile.

She was born in Santiago, the oldest child of Ignacio de la Carrera y Cuevas and of Francisca de Paula Verdugo Fernndez de Valdivieso y Herrera. From her youth, she was well known because of her beauty and strong character. She married young, on May 2, 1796, to Manuel de la Lastra y de la Sotta, with whom she had two children Manuel and Dolores. He died in 1798. She remarried in 1800 to the Spanish aristocrat, Pedro Daz de Valds. They had five children Pedro, Domitila, Po, Santos and Ignacio.

Source: Wikipedia