Joe the King is a 1999 drama film, written and directed by Frank Whaley, based largely on his own childhood and the childhood of his brother. It stars Noah Fleiss, Val Kilmer, Karen Young, Ethan Hawke, John Leguizamo, Austin Pendleton, Camryn Manheim, Max Ligosh and James Costa. The film premiered at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award shared with Guinevere.
Failing in school, Joe is assigned a Guidance counselor Leonard Coles Ethan Hawke, who, though reasonably friendly, is incompetent. For example, in their first session, when Joe starts to talk about his problems, the counselor unthinkingly shuts him off. Disaster eventually strikes, and Joe faces the rest of his seemingly doomed life in doubt. Ironically, where he winds up next seems more like hope than tragedy. Perhaps a chance to get away from his horrible childhood and family.This film was shot almost entirely on Staten Island, serving as a standin location for Whaleys home town of Syracuse, New York. Numerous scenes were shot at Staten Island Technical High School. Joes house in the movie was filmed on poultney street midland beach 10306 staten island ny ........
Source: Wikipedia