Journey to Promethea

Journey to Promethea is a 2010 American epic fantasy film written and directed by Daniel Garcia, starring Billy Zane, Scott L. Schwartz, and Louis Herthum.

Eight years later, Grado Amurilus Battles, son of the deposed King of the Samillians, is living as a farmer with his own boys, Magnus Murphy and Binon Michaelson. Despite a centuryandahalf of Samillian oppression, they live an idyllic life, seemingly untouched by Laypachs tyranny. Meanwhile, King Laypach is informed by his Wise Men that Dradens prophecy has come to pass, and that the chosen liberator of the Samillian tribe has come of age. They warn that King Laypach must not allow the boy to unite with Dradens daughter, Aria, and receive Dradens sword. If the chosen one uses the sword to pierce the ancient Stone of Grobodawhich was blessed by the gods after it fell to the earthKing Laypach will turn to dust. They tell him the chosen boy will possess the light of Draden in his eyes. King Laypach dismisses the wise men and orders the boy found and brought before him.The Samillians are continuing their aimless trek through the wilderness, now accompanied by the Amurilus family. Binon attacks Laypachs soldiers who are escorting them. In the ensuing fight, Grado is mortally wounded and Binon is captured. With his dying breath, Grado tells Magnus that he must free their people. After cremating his father in a small bundle of sticks, Magnus encounters a magical chicken, which reveals itself to be the small yellow wizard Gydro Rin Varick. Gydro speaks the phrase A mans unfulfilled destiny is the shame of the universe, and Magnuss eyes glow with the light of Draden. Gydro falls to his knees, stunned and elated that he has found the appointed liberator of the Samillians. Magnus leaves him. After fasting and bowing before the gods of the moon, the wise men return to King Laypach with news of the Magnuss location. Laypach summons his greatest warrior, the fearsome knight Kronin Schwartz, to find him. ........

Source: Wikipedia