Jungle Boy 1998 is a family adventure film produced by Damian Lee, who cowrote the film with John Lawson, and directed by Allan Goldstein.
As an adult, Manling now called Krishna must battle Sabre. At the same time, Professor John Gellar has picked up his niece Anna from the airport at the time when he was looking for a valuable statue associated with the Nga with the statue enabling anyone pure of heart to understand all the worlds languages and the scroll that goes with it. Rajah Singh is also seeking to obtain the statue where he claims that the treasure belongs to his family and hires treasure hunter Joshua Hook to find it. Hook will use any means necessary, even killing, to make sure he gets not only the treasure, but also his share of the money from finding it. Rajah Singh has his servant Sanjay work with Joshua Hook who is instructed to act as Rajah Singhs game warden. Joshua Hook has an encounter with Professor Gellar when he tries to pursue Krishna as Professor Gellar points to the opposite direction. Later that evening, Professor Gellar tells Anna about the jungle boy stating that he was a kid who wandered into the jungle and was raised by animals. Professor Gellar also tells Anna that the mother of the boy died of a broken heart.Krishna arrives at the Valley of Death where he must fight Sabre. But when he defeats Sabre in a manner that violates the rules involving defeating him near a village by using fire against him, he is told by Bono to go out on his own much to the objection of Mantoo. Under advice from Deva the next day, Krishna is told that he must return to the humans. Geller and his pretty niece Anna find him and take him in, teaching him English and how to be human. He learns fast because he knew human ways at one time. Professor Geller also mentioned in the narration that Sabre left the jungle and wasnt heard from again. ........
Source: Wikipedia