Kai Uwe von Hassel

KaiUwe von Hassel was a German politician from SchleswigHolstein associated with the Christian Democratic Union . He served as Minister President of SchleswigHolstein from 1954 to 1963, as Federal Minister of Defence from 1963 to 1966, and as Federal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and War Victims from 1966 to 1969. From 1969 to 1972 he was the 4th President of the Bundestag.

Hassel was born in Gare, German East Africa , where his father Theodor von Hassel had served as a Schutztruppe officer. After the First World War, the Hassel family was banished from Tanganyika by the British mandate administration and settled in Glcksburg, SchleswigHolstein. Hassel took his Abitur schoolleaving exam in 1933, trained as an agribusiness merchant, and returned to the Tanganyika Territory in 1935. At the beginning of the Second World War he was interned in Dar es Salaam by the British authorities and was again banished to Germany. Drafted into the Wehrmacht armed forces, he served as an interpreter for the Abwehr military intelligence organisation under Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and was decorated with the Iron Cross .

Source: Wikipedia