
Ka imina auao was a Hawaiian princess by adoption to Queen Kalama and King Kamehameha III. She died of the measles at the age of four. She was a member of the House of Kamehameha and the House of Kalkaua .

She was an adopted child, as were most of her siblings. Kamehameha III and his queen, Kalama, were childless at the time because two sons born to Kalama had died before reaching adulthood. Kamehameha III had previously adopted his halfsister Kna us son Alexander Liholiho as his heir. Kalama probably wished to have a daughter of her own to raise, so they adopted Kaimina auao. Kaimina auao was the first in her family to be referred as a princess since her foster parents were the sovereign king and queen of the Hawaiian Islands.

Source: Wikipedia