Kannaki (film)

Kannaki is a Malayalam language film. It was released in 2001. It is directed by Jayaraj. It is loosely based on Shakespeare story of Antony amp Cleopatra

Kannaki meanwhile, out of love, tries to get Manickam out of the local game and out of the clutches of Kumudam. A local fortune teller Kanakamma Kalpana keeps feeding ideas and false news into Kannakis ears about Manickam. On her idea, Kannaki gives an untrained cock on the pretense that she had trained the cock to fight, to Manickam. Manickam takes the cock to fight, against Chomans cock. Manickam loses the fight and comes home to tell Kannaki has cheated him. There she tells him she did this to have Manickam all to herself and away from Choman and the Gounder.Choman and Gounder pair up to defeat Manickam at a local festival. They know that Manickam will come to the cock fight to take part. As Choman and Gounder plan, kumudam comes to say that her brother is wrong in fighting against Manickam,to which the Gounder says if she wants Manickam, they have to separate Kannaki from him. And their separation is only possible if this fight takes place. ........

Source: Wikipedia