Kaos (film)

Kaos also Chaos in the American release is a 1984 Italian drama film directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani based on short stories by Luigi Pirandello 18671936. The films title is after Pirandellos explanation of the local name Cvusu of the woods near his birthplace in the neighborhood of Girgenti Agrigento, on the southern coast of Sicily, as deriving from the ancient Greek word kaos.

An epilogue, Colloquio con la madre Conversing with Mother, of similar length as the stories, describes Pirandellos fictional visit home many years after his mother has died. He asks his mother to retell the story of a trip to Malta she took as a child to visit her exiled father. The ending sequence showed children sliding down the vast slopes of white pumice that flowed into the sea on the island of Lipari.Kaos won the 1985 David di Donatello awards for best production and best screenplay and was nominated for best music. It also won the Silver Ribbon award for best screenplay. ........

Source: Wikipedia