Kiss of the Spider Woman (film)

Kiss of the Spider Woman Portuguese O Beijo da MulherAranha is a 1985 BrazilianAmerican drama film directed by Argentineborn Brazilian director Hctor Babenco, and adapted by Leonard Schrader from the Manuel Puig novel of the same name. William Hurt, Ral Juli, Snia Braga, Jos Lewgoy, and Milton Gonalves star in the leading roles.

Molina passes the time by recounting memories from one of his favorite films, a wartime romantic thriller thats also a Nazi propaganda film. He weaves the characters into a narrative meant to comfort Arregui and distract him from the harsh realities of political imprisonment and the separation from his lover, Marta. Arregui allows Molina to penetrate some of his defensive self and opens up. Despite Arregui occasionally snapping at Molina over his rather shallow views of political cinema, an unlikely friendship develops between the two.As the story develops, it becomes clear that Arregui is being poisoned by his jailers to provide Molina with a chance to befriend him, and that Molina is spying on Arregui on behalf of the Brazilian secret police. Molina has namely been promised a parole if he succeeds in obtaining information that will allow the secret police to find the revolutionary groups members. ........

Source: Wikipedia