Kisses for Breakfast

Kisses for Breakfast is a 1941 screwball comedy directed by Lewis Seiler, starring Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt and Shirley Ross. The film is a remake of the 1930 preCode comedy The Matrimonial Bed, which was produced by Warner Bros. from an English stage play adaptation by Seymour Hicks Mr. Whats His Name of a French comic farce, Au Premier de Ces Messieurs To the First Husband, written by Yves Mirande and Andr Mouzyon.

A year passes and love develops between Happy and Laura. They marry, and before leaving on their honeymoon, make a surprise visit to Juliet. Family and friends including Lucius immediately recognize Happy as Rodney, but are not quite certain if its really Rodney or just a coincidence. Laura and Happy are unaware of the true situation, and when the household concocts a series of delays to prevent the couple from proceeding on their honeymoon, conclude everyone is crazy. They decide to sneak out to Niagara Falls, but Juliet discovers the plan. She diverts fuel oil into the water pipes and drenches both in goo when they take showers. Happy is hypnotized by Juliets psychiatrist uncle and recovers his memory, thinking it is the day of his first wedding. Lucius reveals the entire story to the innocent Laura.Refusing to admit defeat because she loves Happy, Laura hogties Juliet and locks her in the sabotaged shower. She confronts Rodney alone is his bedroom. She convinces him that she is the Cousin Laura that he spoke to on the phone and that a year has passed. Rodney realizes that he is married to both women. She also charms him into kissing her, and his latent feelings for her arise again. Juliet, covered in black oil, escapes the shower and finds Rodney kissing Laura, leading to a pillow fight over his affections that winds up with Juliet being tarred and feathered. Laura decides to leave for South Carolina. Rodney realizes that he loves Laura. He tricks her into bashing him over the head with an urn containing his supposed remains buttons from his overcoat and becomes Happy again. Juliet disgustedly concludes that he is a chameleon and gives him up. ........

Source: Wikipedia