Kung Fu Magoo is a MexicanAmerican animated actioncomedy film, based on the Mr. Magoo character, created by Millard Kaufman and John Hubley. This film was produced by Classic Media, nima Estudios, and Santo Domingo Films. This film was also produced by Motion Toons, a new animation studio created in conjunction of nima Estudios, and Santo Domingo Films. English voicecast stars Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Alyson Stoner and voice actors Tom Kenny, Rodger Bumpass, Jim Conroy, Chris Parnell, and Maile Flanagan.
The worlds most notorious bad guys are invited to the island fortress of supervillain TanGu Lloyd Floyd to compete in an Olympicstyle tournament of evil, called the Evilympics. Mr. Magoo Jim Conroy and his 12yearold nephew Justin Dylan Sprouse fight giant robot spiders, ninjas on jet skis, and TanGus mutant Beasteens, as representatives of the antievil task force.Additional characters were provided by Robert Tinkler, Wally Wingert, Bob Joles, Fred Travalena, Michael Stanton, Susan Boyajian, and Hope Levy. ........
Source: Wikipedia