La Primera Noche English The First Night is a 2003 Colombian film, directed by Luis Alberto Restrepo. The film wonInternational Awards and was Colombias submission for the Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film category in 2004. Even though the movie was highly acclaimed, after being released in some festivals throughout the United States, it never made it to big theaters. Afteryears of theatrical release, the film was released on DVD in the United States on January 30, 2007.
The conflicts of this country condemns Too Toro and Paulina Lizarazo, the protagonists, to the exile, but they live another drama that torments them. The suffering, the disappointment, the loving disappointment nests in their interior. Each of them feels lonely, incapable of assuming the pain of the other, and much less to see themselves as part of a couple. Their passion could open the door than no one will, but Too and Paulina find in love the force that repels them and that does not help them survive.He is in love with Paulina Lizarazo, but his brother, without realizing, stands between the two of them. Too has a calm and happy life, but the isolation prevents him from fulfilling his dream of a life consecrated to study and to work. Convinced that entering the army will help him achieve his objectives, Too serves his neighborhood, without suspecting that his faith will be brutally betrayed. He must flee from home accompanied only by his brothers wife whom he loves, but who does not love him back. ........
Source: Wikipedia