Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle

Le Grand ChefKimchi Battle Hangul hanja2 RRSikgaekGimchi Jeonjaeng , also known as Le Grand ChefKimchi Wars is a 2010 South Korean film starring Kim Jungeun and Jin Goo. It was released on January 28, 2010.

During a state visit to Japan the Korean president gets involved in a heated debate with the Japanese prime minister over the origins of kimchi, with the latter boldly claiming that kimchi was originally from Japan, thus an original Japanese dish. This does not please the Korean president, so he vows to market the dish to the world as the originator. Upon his return to Korea, he announces a national Kimchi Contest to reaffirm its position as a Korean product.Jangeun Kim Jungeun, is a famous fusion chef, who left Koreanyears ago to train in Japan and hides her broken heart with a coldhearted mask. She has always resented that her mother was once a gisaeng and for cherishing her Chunyanggak Restaurant more than herself and her own daughter. Thus she has returned to shut down the restaurant which her mother has run for years. On the other hand, her stepbrother Seongchan Jin Goo, who was taken in by Jangeuns mother after his deafandmute mother was unable to care for him, is an advocate of tradition and wants to keep the beloved restaurant. He proposes that they compete in the Kimchi Contest for the rights to close or save the restaurant. ........

Source: Wikipedia