Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948 film)

Letter from an Unknown Woman is a 1948 American film directed by Max Ophls. It was based on the novella of the same name by Stefan Zweig. The film stars Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan, Mady Christians and Marcel Journet.

In Vienna in the early twentieth century, Lisa Joan Fontaine, a teenager living in an apartment building, becomes fascinated by a new tenant, concert pianist Stefan Brand Louis Jourdan. Stefan is making a name for himself through energetic performances. Lisa becomes obsessed with Stefan, staying up late to listen to him play, and sneaking into his apartment and admiring him from a distance. Despite her actions, they only meet once and Stefan takes little notice of her.One day, Lisas mother Mady Christians announces her marriage to a wealthy and respectable gentleman, who lives in Linz, and tells Lisa that they will all move there. Lisa resists her mothers plans and runs away from the railway station and goes back to the apartment, where she is let in by the porter. She knocks on Stefans door, but no one answers. She decides to wait outside for him to return. Early the next morning, Stefan returns home with a woman. After seeing the two, a distraught Lisa travels to Linz where she joins her mother and new stepfather. ........

Source: Wikipedia