Lifeu Ishtene Kannada is a 2011 Indian dark comedydrama Kannada written and directed by Pawan Kumar. It stars Diganth, Sindhu Lokanath and Samyukta Hornad in the lead roles. Sathish Ninasam, Achyuth Kumar and Veena Sundar feature in supporting roles. The plot revolves around the adult life of a carefree youngster, who falls in love easily with multiple women, and observes the consequences, realizing the meaning of life and that it comes a full circle. The title of the film which translates to this is all life is, was taken from a track of the 2010 Kannada film Pancharangi.
Vishal Diganth is a carefree youngster who is only serious about pursuing a career in music. In contrast, his friend Shivakumar Shivu Sathish Ninasam is serious about life and advises him to reform. But Vishal, whose parents allow him a lot of freedom, finds his own way to deal with hook ups. He falls in love with his collegemate, Nandini Sindhu Loknath, who also falls in love with him. After a brief period of courtship, they decide to get married. Nandini wants Vishal to take up a job as it will help her discuss the marriage proposal with her father. He thinks she is the one for him, but only till the point where he has to choose between his music career and her, at which point they break up.Vishal then meets a journalism aspirant, Rashmi Samyukta Hornad, who films him, for her academic project. Nandini, initially reluctant, gets married to Chandan, as arranged by her father. Vishal has an awkward confrontation with her at the wedding. Rashmi, however, falls in love with him instantly and is ready to marry him. Having spent some time together, Vishal also falls in love with her, who eventually parts with her, on witnessing her being approached by an old pursuer, who he connects to, in context of Nandini. ........
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