Lin Chia lung

Lin Chialung is a Taiwanese academic and Democratic Progressive Party politician. He was elected mayor of Taichung City in November 2014 and took office onDecember 2014. In the early 2000s he served in various capacities in the ROC Executive Yuan under DPP President Chen Shuibian.

Lin was born in Taipei City. After graduating from Taipei Municipal Chien Kuo Senior High School, Lin Chialung attended National Taiwan University , where he received his BA and MA in political science. As a student representative at NTU, Lin was active in the NTU Society for the Study of Mainland China , and a participant in the Love of Freedom campus free speech movement. Lin played a key role in pushing for the direct election of the student council chairman by students, and was responsible for drafting the election plan proposed by students to the campus administration in 1984.

Source: Wikipedia