Little Zizou

Little Zizou is an 2008 Indian film in Hindi, Gujarati, and English, written and directed by Sooni Taraporevala. Little Zizou is a fastpaced, exuberant, yet poignant comedy about how two battling Mumbai families finally come to terms.

Xerxes, Little Zizou as he is known, is an elevenyearold soccercrazy Parsi boy whose fervent wish is that his idol, Zinedine Zidane, visit Mumbai. His older brother Artaxerxes, or Art, is a talented artist whose wild fantasies come to life in surprising ways. Their father Khodaiji is a selfproclaimed protectorofthefaith who thrives on the attentions and donations of hopeful believers.Art burns with unrequited love for the daughter of Khodaijis arch rival, Pressvala, a free thinking newspaper publisher. And to the extreme displeasure of their other daughter, Xerxes adores the maternal Mrs Pressvala. But the real fireworks begin when Pressvala writes a scathing critique of Khodaiji and public reaction is widespread. As the two households fight, life becomes complicated. Liana the younger daughter, finally lets Xerxes be his friend. Khodaiji shuts down Presswalas office. Presswala gets a heart attack. Will Khodaiji reform his ways? Will Pressvala let Art be Zenobes the older daughter? This is what forms the rest of the story. ........

Source: Wikipedia