Little Deaths is a 2011 British anthology horror film written and directed by Sean Hogan, Andrew Parkinson, and Simon Rumley. The film has three segments House amp Home, Mutant Tool, and Bitch. Each segment is directed by a different author and are unrelated to one another in any way other than sharing a theme of sex and death. Critical reviews for Little Deaths were polarized and the United Kingdom DVD release had to have some portions removed due to their sexually violent content.
The second segment was directed by Andrew Parkinson and follows Jen Jodie Jameson, a prostitute that gains the ability to see frightening visions whenever she touches someone. She is also addicted to the emissions of the captive Mutant Rob Sluggo Boyce. His captor, Dr. Reese Brendan Gregory, has been feeding him human kidneys as part of a twisted Nazi experiment.Simon Rumleys short focuses on the dysfunctional relationship between Pete Tom Sawyer and Claire Kate Braithwaite. Claire routinely subjects Pete to emotional and physical abuse and, in the bedroom, makes him participate in various BDSM activities such as forcing him to live and behave as a dog while he gets pegged. Pete longs for his relationship with Claire to get better and for her to give him more respect and acceptance, but is pushed to his limit when Claire decides to sleep with his best friend Al Tommy Carey. ........
Source: Wikipedia