Living Dolls The Making of a Child Beauty Queen is a 2001 HBO documentary on Child beauty pageants. It was directed by Shari Cookson.
The documentary later focuses on Alabama residents and beauty pageant coaches Michael Butler and his partner Shane King, along with Butlers sevenyearold daughter, Leslie, who has wonnational titles in her pageant span Butlers dad mentions that Leslie won her first pageant when she was three weeks old while she slept. Shane is coach to Leslie, Swan and various other young beauty pageant contestants. Meanwhile, Leslie is preparing to compete in the Glamour Doll USA pageant after a ninemonth hiatus. She later wins the top prize.In the Ginger Bread Pageant, Swan is crowned Miss Grand National Star Grand Supreme, winning 2500, the largest prize she has received. Leslie is crowned Overall Dream Girl, winning 500. ........
Source: Wikipedia