Lodge Night

Lodge Night is the 15th Our Gang short subject comedy released. The Our Gang series later known as The Little Rascals was created by Hal Roach in 1922, and continued production until 1944.

When the television rights for the original silent Path Our Gang comedies were sold to National Telepix and other distributors, several episodes were retitled. This film was released into TV syndication as Mischief Makers in 1960 under the title The Secret Meeting. About twothirds of the original film was included. Deleted scenes from this print include some of the classroom footage from the beginning of the film, as well as all of the scenes showing Ernie and Farina at Prof. Culpeppers night school. The film was also released to the TV series Those Lovable Scallawags with Their Gangs under the title Their Latest Prank.During the scene where Mickey and Jackie are practicing their musical instruments, and eventually attempt to sneak out of their house, Mickeys hair frequently gets longer and shorter within certain cuts. This indicates that Mickey got a haircut sometime in between certain takes. ........

Source: Wikipedia