Louis Hector de Calli%C3%A8re

LouisHector de Callire or Callires was a French politician, who was the governor of Montreal , and the 13th governor of New France from 1698 to 1703. During his era as governor of Montreal, the Iroquois war had enhanced the importance of that position. He conducted himself so well during this period that he was awarded the prestigious cross of SaintLouis in 1694 partly under the recommendation of Buade de Frontenac. He, additionally, played an important role in defining the strategy that New France followed during the Queen Annes War. He ranked as captain in the regiment of Navarre. He came to Canada in 1684, and was appointed Governor of Montreal at the demand of the Sulpicians who were Seigneurs of the island. The situation of the colony at that time was most critical, owing to Frontenacs departure, the weakness of Governor de la Barre, and the woeful error of the French government in sending to the galleys in France some Iroquois chiefs captured at Cataracoui .

De Callire was born in ThorignysurVire, Lower Normandy.

Source: Wikipedia