Louis Jean Fran%C3%A7ois Lagren%C3%A9e

LouisJeanFranois Lagrene was a French rococo painter and student of Carle van Loo. He won the Grand Prix de Rome for painting in 1749 and was elected a member of the Acadmie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1755. His younger brother JeanJacques Lagrene was also a painter.

Lagrene was born in Paris onDecember 1724 and from an early age he showed promise in drawing and painting. During his youth, master painter members of the French Royal Academy offered a rolling programme of courses, open to the public , in life drawing and the principles and techniques of art. These courses gave academy members a chance to identify and nurture six of the most gifted young students in any given year and offer them a place on a scheme known as the cole royale des lves protgs, a scheme which offered free tuition with a small stipend, for three years, preparing students for Prix de Rome competitions. After being selected for and completing this threeyear programme, under the tutelage of Carle van Loo, Lagrene won the Grand Prix de Rome on his first attempt in 1749, with the painting Joseph interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh .

Source: Wikipedia