LyubimetzBulgarian , English Favouriteis a comedy movie released in Bulgaria in 1958. It was directed by Vladimir Yanchev and written by Lyuben Popov and Vladimir Yanchev. The film tells an amusing story about the efforts of three soccer clubs to attract the player of the day. But when the players twin brother a hopeless gambler decides to take the initiative... And to put the thin lid on it all, a pretty girl stays in the middle...
In the meantime, three soccer teams, one of which from Sofia, decide to bid for Radoslav and send agents to Varna to negotiate with him. As Radoslav is already in Sofia, the negotiators encounter Radosvet. Of course, our gambler decides to take the best out of the situation and, pretending to be Radoslav, signs a contract with the club from Sofia.Now both brothers are in Sofia. Radoslav keeps on searching for his Elena without the slightest suspicion of his brothers intrigues. But Radosvet is the one hitting the jackpot, meeting Elena. However, his behavior is unbearably impudent she slaps his face and does not want to see him anymore. Clearly, she does not suspect that this is not Radoslav. A few moments later, when by the will of fortune, she finally meets the true Radoslav, all her anger is transferred over him. He manages to clarify the situation and they both go to see the first game of Radosvet, who plays with number 13. Of course, the team of Radosvet is defeated, after a myriad of comic situations. It becomes clear to everyone that both brothers have switched places. Radoslav gets the offer to go to play in Sofia, but he declines it and with Elena leaves for Varna. ........
Source: Wikipedia