Macross: Do You Remember Love%3F

The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Do You Remember Love? , Chjik Ysai Makurosu Ai Oboete Imasu ka? , also known as Super Spacefortress Macross commonly referred to by the acronym DYRL? among Western fans, is a 1984 Japanese animated movie based around the Macross television series.

The film begins in medias res with the space fortress Macross trying to evade the Zentradi at the edge of the Solar System. The Macross houses an entire city with tens of thousands of civilians who are cut off from Earth, after it had executed a space fold on the first day of the EarthZentradi war taking the city section of South Ataria Island with it. During the latest assault, Valkyrie pilot Hikaru Ichijyo rescues pop idol Lynn Minmay, but are both trapped in a section of the fortress for days. Even after their eventual rescue, this fateful meeting leads to a relationship between the singer and her number one fan.The Zentradi, meanwhile, discover the debilitating and disruptive effect that human music has on the rank and file troops. Their supreme leader, Gorg Boddole Zer, suspects that the human culture is deeply related to an ancient music box he has kept with him for eons. Then, the Zentradi discover an opportunity to examine the humans further when Hikaru borrows a Valkyrie trainer unit without permission and flies Minmay across Saturns rings. The Zentradi capture Hikaru and Minmay, along with Lieutenant Misa Hayase, Minmays cousinmanager Lynn Kaifun, and Hikarus superior Roy Focker in the ensuing chaos. ........

Source: Wikipedia