
Madhva Acharya , also known as Purna Praja and Ananda Trtha, was a Hindu philosopher and the chief proponent of the Dvaita school of Vedanta. Madhva called his philosophy as Tattvavada meaning the realist viewpoint.

Madhvcrya was born on the west coast of Karnataka state in 13thcentury India. As a teenager, he became a Sanyasin joining Brahmasampradaya guru Achyutapreksha, of the Ekadandi order. Madhva studied the classics of Hindu philosophy, particularly the Principal Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras . He commented on these, and is credited with thirty seven works in Sanskrit. His writing style was of extreme brevity and condensed expression. His greatest work is considered to be the Anuvyakhyana, a philosophical supplement to his bhasya on the Brahma Sutras composed with a poetic structure. In some of his works, he proclaimed himself to be an avatar of Vayu, the son of god Vishnu.

Source: Wikipedia