Maisie Was a Lady

Maisie Was a Lady is a 1940 comedydrama film directed by Edwin L. Marin and is the fourth in a series of ten films starring Ann Sothern as goodhearted showgirl Maisie Ravier.

The judge orders Bob to hire her for two months ata week, the terms of her previous employment. She refuses to accept money for nothing, but offers to work as a maid at the Rawlston family mansion. Bob hands her over to the head butler C. Aubrey Smith, who has worked for the family foryears.One of the guests, Link Phillips Edward Ashley, makes a pass at her the next morning, but she disdainfully rejects him. The other guests ridicule her for her lack of refinement. Bobs sister, Abby Maureen OSullivan, apologizes for her friends rudeness and takes Maisie as her personal maid. ........

Source: Wikipedia