Major League: Back to the Minors

Major League Back to the Minors is a 1998 film, distributed by Warner Bros., directed and written by John Warren, with David S. Ward taking the cowriter duties. It is the third film in the Major League series.

However, Gus clashes with Leonard Huff, the snobby manager of the Twins. One night in Minnesota, Gus and his fiancee Maggie Reynolds are having dinner with Roger and Huff at an expensivelooking restaurant, where Huff challenges Gus to a game between the Buzz and the Twins and Gus accepts the challenge.The game is scheduled to take place at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minnesota. The Twins take alead in the 6th inning, but Downtown hits a home run that ties the game atin the 8th inning. But in the bottom of the 9th inning, with two outs, while the Twins are up to bat, and Doc is one strike away from striking out home run hitter Carlos Liston, Huff has the stadiums lights turned off so the game can end with a tie rather than give the Buzz a chance to win in extra innings. However, the media says that the Twins were still outplayed by the Buzz. ........

Source: Wikipedia