Mammoth is a 2006 action comedy horror directed by Tim Cox and produced by Plinyminor in association with the Sci Fi Channel starring Vincent Ventresca, Summer Glau, Leila Arcieri and Tom Skerritt. The film was nominated for a 2006 Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects.
A security guard witnesses the revival of the prehistoric elephant, which kills the guard. With the creature on the loose, two government agents, Powers and Whitaker, track Frank down. While the agents and Frank try to figure out what happened and what to do, the mammoth heads into the forest, where it kills anyone it comes across. The beasts path soon brings it to a huge party attended by Jack and Squirrelly.They survive the attack and meet up with Frank and the agents. The mammoth suddenly appears and kills Agent Whitaker while Agent Powers, Frank, Jack and Squirrelly escape. While the mammoth continues its rampage around the town, the government is preparing to detonate a nuclear bomb on the alienpossessed elephant. The group must find a way to take the creature down without destroying their town. ........
Source: Wikipedia