Marmato is a 2014 American documentary film written, directed and produced by Mark Grieco. It is the debut feature film of Grieco. The film premiered in competition category of U.S. Documentary Competition program at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 17, 2014, where it won the Candescent Award.
Director, Mark Grieco lived and filmed in the town of Marmato over the course of12 years from 20082013. The entirety of the film takes place in the town except for two scenes in the nearby city of Medelln. Grieco worked alone filming with one camera, the Canon XHA1. Production was forced to end when it became too dangerous to continue to film in the town. The film received positive response from critics. Kenneth Turan in his preview of Sundance 2014 for the Los Angeles Times said that it was among the festivals most memorable films and is made with exceptional artistry. ........
Source: Wikipedia