Marx Reloaded is a 2011 German documentary film written and directed by the British writer and theorist Jason Barker. Featuring interviews with several wellknown philosophers, the film aims to examine the relevance of Karl Marxs ideas in relation to the effects of the Great Recession. The name is a wordplay on The Matrix Reloaded, the sequel to The Matrix, which is parodied in the film.
In an interview with Verso Books, writerdirector Jason Barker described his intention in making the film to reload or reimagine Marx as a thinker, without the usual totalitarian moralising. Barker criticised the clich according to which Marxs diagnoses of capitalism are validated whereas his prescription of communism is rubbished on the grounds that its utopian. Asked whether the renewed popularity of Marx is evidence of a return of communism as a political force, or just the spectre of Marx haunting the academies, Barker replied that political thinking today is again converging on precisely the type of social conditions in which Marx lived.In a separate interview, Barker also discussed the films use of animation, in particular his decision to parody The Matrix, admitting that although it was an obvious parody and fun to make, there was also a philosophical dimension to the animation scenes in which Marx meets Leon Trotsky and Slavoj iek. ........
Source: Wikipedia